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About Huugo
If you're contemplating a career transition, looking to grow in your current role, or simply need career clarity, Huugo is the comprehensive, affordable career program just for you.
Program Features
Personalized career assessments and reflections
Easy to navigate and complete at your own pace
Actionable steps to take towards your dream career
Accessible and affordable pricing options
Gives you ChatGPT prompts to accelerate your exploration using AI
Optional: access to a professional career coach and community support
Hear what people have said about the program:
“Hearing real stories about real jobs from real people was invaluable! It changed my perspective on what kind of work I want to do.”

“[Huugo] shifted me from being passive to more active in how I approached my job search. It helped me plan and think about my priorities.”

“Some of the tools and reflections were particularly helpful to me to get clear on what I am looking for. ”

How It Works
Who is Huugo designed for? Is it right for me?
Huugo was designed for anyone with a post-secondary education who is contemplating a career transition, or how to grow in their current career. If that's you, feel free to register!
What should I expect when I sign up for Huugo?
Huugo is a combination of short articles (or audio if you'd prefer), videos, and structured activities including reflections, mapping exercises and more. Another big part of the program is helping you have conversations with others to give you better clarity and opportunity as you consider your next career move. It's important to know that to get all the benefits of the program, you have to be ready to stay motivated, put in the time, and stick with it.
How long will Huugo take to complete?
That's up to you! Everyone comes to the program with different needs, so you can choose to do the activities that you think will be most valuable for you. That said, we believe the program has the greatest impact when you do all the sections. This can take you anywhere from 15-60 hours. But your access never expires, so you can take as little or as long as you like to do finish it.
Will Huugo help me with my resume and apply for jobs?
The short answer is, not really. We believe that a fulfilling career starts with clarity. So Huugo is focused on helping you answer questions like: What career paths will be best for me? What experience and/or expertise do I need to get there? What might be a next step I can take? It won't help you prepare for a specific job application. At the end, we give you suggestions of tools you can use for things like writing a resume or practicing your interview skills, but it's not a core focus of the program.